home News Welcome Russian customers to visit our factory

Welcome Russian customers to visit our factory

2023-11-08 17:15:47 By hz_manager

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We are very happy to invite  Russian customers, a dealer we have cooperated with for 3 years, who visited our factory for the first time.

Next, we invited the customer to take a comprehensive tour of our factory. They are pleased with the size of our production facility and the advanced machinery we use. Our production lines are running smoothly, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of our manufacturing processes. Customers are particularly interested in our quality control measures and we proudly display our rigorous testing procedures to ensure our products meet the highest standards.

After visiting the factory, we invited the Russian customers to the conference room for more detailed discussions. We provide them with comprehensive information about our products, including specifications, features and competitive advantages. It also focuses on the two best-selling models in Russia, ZL930 and ZL938. This gives customers a more comprehensive understanding of these two models, allowing them to advance more deeply into the Russian market.

To make the visit more engaging and interactive, we arranged a Q&A session where customers suggested some wheel loaders improvements suitable for their market. Our engineers and designers participated in the discussion and added their suggestions to customers’ future orders so that our products can better adapt to the customer’s market.

In general, Russian customers gained a lot from their visit to our factory. Customers have left a positive impression of our company and are impressed by our manufacturing capabilities, commitment to quality and sustainability initiatives. We believe this lays a more solid foundation for future business cooperation.


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